The circuit training we did, was a cardio vascular circuit training - that means it was continuous. we worked for 20minutes straight. we were in partners, one of us was doing the circuit while our partner was running 2 laps of the sports hall.. once they had run the 2 laps we swapped over which meant i would run the 2laps while my partner was doing the circuit.
the 10 stations were :
- V.sits
- overhead squats
- press ups
- skip/double under
- kettle bell swings
- burpee
- triceps dip
- back extension
- bench run
- static press up hold
The advantages of doing this circuit training were that we weren't repeating the same things, we changed our workout every time our partner done 2 laps. which meant we didn't get bored of doing it - Tedium.
The disadvantages of doing this circuit training meant we had a lot of equipment which we had to get out and put away.. which wasted time a bit.
The equipment we used were :
- kettle bells
- benches
- mats
- skipping ropes
This is a nice description of circuit training, but the section on advantages and disadvantages is a little limited.