Development of pesonal fitness


1.Hello, My name is Cameron Yorath i started playing football at the age of 6 for mumbles rangers. I left them for Dunvant when i was 11 years old. Then this year i joined back with mumbles ranger Albion Under 15s i train on a  Wednesday and play games on a Saturday. I currently play center back and start every game. This is on my clubs website. This is my biography which was made by my manager:
Cameron played for us at Under-8 & 9 before joining Dunvant. After a number of years away has returned to us and is likely to feature mainly as a defender, but can also play in midfield. A good reader of the game, Cameron is excellent at organising the defence.

Goal setting

Long term: I would like to get trials for Swansea city development

Short term:
1.I would like to improve my speed to out run attackers
2,To improve my CV endurance.
3. I would like to get better with my left foot.
Speed intervals

Cross fit training
Mumbles Game
contionuous run
Football skills
Mumbles Training
Speed intervals
contionuous run

Continoous running
Monday Pm i will be running arroud my local area with aidan radford.
Friday Pm i will run round my local area again with aidan.

Speed intervals
Tues am 8 150m sprints
Thursday pm 8x10 meters 6x20m 4x40m 2x60m

Cross fit
i will do a cross fit training session with press ups, bur pies and step ups, kettle bell swing and lunges.

Today me and Aidan did cross fit training.
We worked for 1min and had a rest period of 30 sec.
first we done sit ups followed by sit ups then press ups then bench steps after that we did lunges with 6Kg kettle bell then we skipped after that we did kettle bell swings followed by bench lifts then wall bar climbs this developed my CV endurance and Strength.

Today my clubs game Mumbles had a game against Merton rover which we lost 2-1.

Today i ran to the local shop called J's and back.

Today me and Aidan were planning on doing sprints but we couldn't because the field was closed so we did 15x30m inside the old gym. Whist Aidan or i Sprint the other had a rest.
I went football training with Mumbles

I went football training with Mumbles.

Thusday Today i did curcit training with aidan.We worked for 1min and had a rest period of 30 sec.
first we done sit ups followed by sit ups then press ups then bench steps after that we did lunges with 6Kg kettle bell then we skipped after that we did kettle bell swings followed by bench lifts then wall bar climbs this developed my CV endurance and Strength. After school i worked on my speed by doing speed intervals.

Friday Today me and aidan continously ran to our local shop and back.

Monday Today me and aidan continously ran round our local area.

Today i did plymetric training. I jumped over boxes, benches and hurdles. I worked for 40sec and rested for 20seconds.

I played a game for mumbles.

After school i continously ran around my local area.

In school i did speed intervals and afterschool i did football skills.

Monday We did a continuous run from our house to J's and back.

In the football skils training we did some drills then a game.

today in football training we done a few football drills and then played a game.

Today me and Aidan did plyrometric training.
Plyometric jumping over benches
 Jumping onto a springboard over a large box, and then jumping over a box half the size and then jumping over a box half the size of that.
-Squat humps whilst holding an 8k medicine ball

We did speed interval training by sprinting 8x10m, 6x20m, 4x40m, 2x60m and 1x80m.

We did a continuous run from our house to Swansea College and back lasting roughly 30 minutes.

My goals were to improve on:
1- CV endurance
2- Speed
3- Passing with weaker foot.

CV Endurance
I feel that the 6 week plan has helped me develope my CV Endurance because as the training sessions went on i didnt feel as tired as i did towards the start of the course. Also i have felt the improvement in my football games because not in the last few minutes of the game i dont feel as tired as i did before the 6 week plan. In my 6 week plan to help me improve on my CV endurance was Cross fit training i did
Press ups, Sit ups , burpies , wall bar climb , kettle bell swings, lunges and skipping. All of this has helped me improve my CV endurance, Some evidence of my improvement is that before the plan i did the bleep test and scored 9.5 and now my score is 10.3 which is much better. If i were to do another fitness plan with Cv endurance in i would do a variety of things eg cross fit training and 25 min continous run to make it less tedious.

The 6 week plan has helped me gain speed i feel faster and in games i feel that i can keep up with strikers. In my 6 week plan to help me gain speed i included 8x 150m run and 8x10 6x20 4x40 2x60 runs. If i were to make a different 6 week plan i would include different training methods for speed because i found it very tedious and that may of affected my motivation in the speed training sessions. I think that if i had a variety of training methods for speed i would have improved much more on my speed. Before i started my 6 week plan i did a 35m sprint to see how fast i was my score was 7.7 seconds and now after the 6 week plan i have found my speed has increased because my score was 7.2 which is better.

Passing with left foot
In my training programme i icluded passing with my left foot in my programme. Including this has helped me get better and more confident with using my left foot during games and in training. Before this programme i didnt feel confident using my left foot because it rubbish and i would always use my right. Now after the programme i feel much better using my left foot and dont just use my right. I have been told by my friends that it has improved, Aidan said that my "Passing with left foot accuracy has improved" so this shows that my training proggrame has helped.

I Could have improved much more if i tried harded because i found it tedious and didnt give it my all.

Everything that i wanted to get better has improved.

Next time do different types of methods because it was tedious.