Unit 2

Passing from Cameron Yorath on Vimeo.


The key to winning a game of football is TACTICS.

The most common Formation in football is 442

Many football teams use the Traditional 442 Tactic:  Teams like Manchester United use the basic 442 formation. The wingers push forward to help the two attackers. This formation is very balanced in attack and defence.

433 is becoming more popular in the footballing world, Teams like Swansea City and Arsenal use this formation, It allows you to be very attacking because the two wing men stay up the field but I allows you to be very defensive because of the 2 CM staying back and 1 CM staying Back to cover. You need a stong player to be the lone striker who can hold the ball up and ether play it to the wingers or shoot and the player for that is Drogba he is a machine and hold the ball up really well.

Counter-attacking football

The Counter-attack
The aim of this type of football is to catch the opponent on the "break". When they give away possession in midfield or attack, opposing players will tend to be further up the field than usual and may not be able to quickly adjust to a defensive mindset. Counter-attacking football may involve leaving one or two strikers near the half-way line in the hope that a through ball can be played to catch the opponent off guard. This parallels the long through ball tactic explained below. In the example, an attack by the black team has broken down and ended up in the hands of the white goalie. By kicking a long through ball for the furthermost white player (left up there in the hope of this situation - this is the "break" mentioned above), the player has a chance of scoring as he should have evaded the defence if he is fast enough.

Offensive tactics: attacking

  • 'Pass and move': This is the most basic team tactic — as soon as the ball has come into possession of the player, they need to be quick to decide whether to pass it or not. If they don't pass it immediately, they need to move with it; if they do pass it, they again need to move along, following the general ball movement.
This can also be used to mean that once a player has passed the ball he does not remain stationary but moves into a position where he can receive the ball again and give more options to the player in possession.
  • 'Give and go'[or 'combination passing']: This is a basic tactic which is essentially the same as 'pass and move', and is an essential part of the 'target man' style of play (see below). The player in possession of the ball plays a pass to a teammate and then immediately seeks to move into space. If the player who passed the ball can 'lose' his defensive marker (either through pace, movement, superior fitness or a lack of awareness on the part of the defender) he could then be free to receive a return pass and advance towards and possibly threaten the goal. When the ball is played by the receiving player immediately back to the first player this is known as a 'One-Two' (in British parlance)
Switching the attack: Using a 'square' or 'cross' pass across the whole width of the pitch to a player in plenty of space is a very effective way of both relieving pressure and building a fresh attack. The defending team will be required to adjust its positions and this usually creates spaces which can be exploited. In this example, the player numbered 1 has moved out of position, allowing more space for the opposing player. By playing the ball to the other side (the curved line represents an aerial pass), the recipient of the pass finds themselves in space which can be exploited.
  • The 'through ball': Using the space behind the opponent's defensive line: Passes into this area have a number of pros: If an attacking player reaches the pass, taking care to avoid offside, he may get a 1-on-1 challenge with the goalkeeper, or be in an excellent position for a flank attack. Even if a defender reaches the pass first, the outcome could still be good for the attacking team. The defender will face his own goal, which could prompt him to give away a corner kick or a throw in, make a risky pass to his team's goalkeeper, or being put under heavy pressure near the corner flag. Typically, teams with faster attackers than the opponent's defenders will try challenging this space, while the defending team in these cases will want to keep their defenders low when defending in order to give away as little space as possible between the defenders and the goalkeeper.
The long through ball
  • The long through ball: This is a long, and usually high, pass from a teams' own half, over the heads of the other team's defence. It is intended for the attacking players to chase and it is important that they remain in an onside position until the ball is kicked. The tactic works best with strong and fast forwards who will have a good chance of winning back the ball, taking control over it, and eventually getting a shot on goal. In the diagram, the ball (red line) is played in front of the furthermost forward, the dotted blue line showing their run. In this example, a through-ball pass along the ground would be picked up by one of the defenders (black team) because the gap between the two central defenders is too small. Stoke play the long through ball to Kenwaye Jones who flicks it on or hold's it up.
  • Using the space between the opponent's defensive line and midfielder line ('the hole'): A common build-up of attacks is to pass the ball into the space between the opponent's defenders and midfielders. Normally, an attacker with his back to the goal will receive the pass. He will seek to turn with the ball, or distribute it to a player facing the goal, who optimally also is in front of the opponent's midfielders - or even on the move into the space behind the opponent's defenders.
  • Triangular movement: This is a movement tactic that allows a safe and quick shifting of the offensive flanks while maintaining control of the ball. In a triangular play the ball is passed between three players to form a triangle. The triangle is then shifted to a different position when a new player is added. Many triangles can be created with various combinations of players with the intention of slowly moving the ball forward and never really compromising possession. This tactic works well when trying to gain control in the midfield. However, it can also be used for pure attacking purposes. The effectiveness of this tactic lies in the fact that defenders are unable to quickly 'adapt' to the other attacker's style of play. Barcelona are really good at using the triangular movement they always use it. They use it and gain so much possetion because of it.
  • Swapping of the wing men: Sometimes, a team with two flexible (position wise) wide men will allow them to interchange as the game progresses. The aim of this is to confuse the defenders who are assigned to mark them, thus maybe leading to opportunities as the defender tries to find their man in set pieces (corners, free kicks etc., where the man may be in a totally different position and thus evade his grasp). Also, if the wingers are different types of player (one favoring crossing from deep positions whilst the other is prone to trying to dribble past their marker for example), then it might be to exploit a weakness in the opposing defender.
  • Strong Side Overloads: An offensive attack can pressure the defense on to one side of the pitch by running most of its attackers and midfielders to one side letting a wing player or defender come to the opposite side with little or no coverage. The ball is then crossed or passed to that unmarked player for a free or near free shot.
  • Using a target man: This tactic is useful when the team possesses a quality striker who has the ability of taking on the whole defence on his own. He will usually occupy two defenders, thus making the defence more vulnerable. Combined with two fast wingers, this tactic may give the 4-man defence potential problems. The team may also benefit from a target man at set pieces. The target man, can use give/go tactics described earlier, can attempt to "knock down" high passes to teammates or can simply try to out power and outmuscle opposition defenders to create scoring opportunities for himself.
This is from Wikipedia.
The rules and regulations for football
Btec Mr Evans

Assesing rules and regulations.

It can be played on a astroturf pitch or a grass pitch.
It doesnt really matter whaty the pitch is like aslong it has lines and goals it doesnt matter if its grass or concrete ( use cones or jumpers as goals) or astroturf.

The pitch must be rectangular
Make sure the pitch is smaller

Their must be flagposts in each corner
It doesnt really matter if their is no flags.

The pitch must be 90-120meters long and 45-90meters wide
Try make the pitch smaller if possible.

The goal areas is 6 yards from the goal. The penalty spot is 12 yards from goal
It does not really matter how big the box is aslong as you know where it is and know where the penalty spot is.

The ball must be spherical

 The match must be 90mins long and 45mins per half with 2 halves and a Halftime of 15mins.
Try not to play 2 halves and shorten the gamne time down.

You must wear studded bots and shinpads and all player must have matching kit but the keepers shirt has to be different to the rest.
It doesnt matter if they dont have studs in but if not make sure they have sutiable footwear and i would advise to wear shinpads and it doent matter about kits just make sure you use bibs.

Their must be a referee and 2 linesmen .
It doesnt matter if you dont have a linesman just have a ref to keep things under controll.

11 players per team with  7 subs but a maximum of 3 used.
It doesnt matter if you dont have 11 a side try to have less so they get more time on the ball and dont have subs try to get everyone involved.
1 of the 11 players is the Goal keeper.
make sure you have a goalkeeper but in a smaller box and goals.
Each team must have a captain.
It doesnt matter if you dont have a captain.
Their is a offside rule which basically states their has to be 1 defender between you and the ball.
Dont include the offside rule.
Fouls result into a freekick or if inside the box a penalty to the opposition.
Play freekicks and pens but dont be to harsh on the children.
Yellow and red cards are issued on how bad the tackle is.
Dont bother with yellow and red cards.
Their must be a kickoff at the start of the game and after halftime at the start. Also when someone scores

When you take a throw in you both feet must stay on the ground.
Do throwins but dont wory about feet on the floor until a later stage

If the ball crosses the line past the goal and its hit the opposition its yor corner.

If the ball crosses the line past the goal of one of your players it is a goal kick.

Scoreing system
The whole ball has to cross the line to be a goal between the posts. The team with the most goals wins. If both teams have equal amount of goals then its a draw.

Assignment5.Goal line technology.


As you can see in the picture the whole ball is clearly over the line but the referee dissalowed the goal.
People think that there should be goal line technology to prevent this happening but certain people dissagree because they think if people who are not professional cant have it professionals shouldnt have it. But most people dissagere with this. I think there should be goal line technology because it could determine the game because alot of goals now are contreversial so haveing this would help the referee out. They have this in rugby and when they do it and the referee stops time and they decide wether it is a try or not so they sould do the same in football. In the chamions league matches there is a 4th offical standing either side of the both goalposts at each end this has recently been introduced but its only in the champions league. I think if this works and they mostly make the right decsisions that this should be used in all professional games across the whole world.


There alot of decisions made by the linesmen which sometimes are wrong. They flag to signal that a player is offside when sometimes they are not its hard to tell as sometimes because its so close and they flag even though it is the wrong decision. They could use technlology to determine wether people are offisde or not they could use this like goal line technolnogy.


Crowding referee.
Alot of people crowd the referee and try to change his decision. I personaly think this is wrong because referees may think if they make a decision then the team may react and crow him so he may not give decisions which he should. I think only one person should go up to the referee and confront him about the decsion made and now all crowd him and shout at him. Look at the picture below all the barcelona people are crowding the referee and personally i think that he should produce a card.


Assignment 6.- analysis of a individual.
Analysing the preformance of gareth bale.

Tottenham VS Fulham.
3                         1
Position: Lw
In this game garteh bale scored 1 of tottenhams 3 goals. He played very well in this game and was appart of most attacks. He made 47 passes in total and 10 of these were not to a man but 37 were good balls to teammates. He needs to work on his passing abit more as 10 uncompleted doesnt sound much but it is. As a winger he doesnt need to pass that much but when he does he needs to make it accurate. In this game his dribbling was exceptional nearly every time he got the ball he tryed to beat a man and attack the defence he made 5 sucessful dribbles in the intire games and made 3 unsucessful dribbles this shows that gareth bale is very good at attacking and beating a man. I wouldnt wory to much because his dribbling is exceptional. He made 20 entries into the attacking third, this shows hes great at going forward.In the game he had 3 shots on target and 0 off target. This is really good for a winger. Hehas a awsome shot and he proved it in this game because he had a goal. His shot is is exceptional he has alot of power in his shots and his goal showed this. He houldnt work on his shooting because it is very good already. In the game he made 10 sucessful tackles and miss tackled 5 times. This is good because as a winger they dont really need to tackle but this sohws he tracks back he tracked back 5 times which is very good. Out of the 10 tackles he made only 1 was a foul. He doesnt really need to practise on his tackeling if he played in a more defensive role i would suggest he worked on it abit more he used to play Lb so he is good at tackeling because of that. He made 3 sucessful crosses in the game amdf 1 unsucessful cross. He should work on his crossing abit more because he is a winger so he needs to cross alot. I would suggest that he should work on his crossing abit more he should work on crossing it near and far post.

Self avaluation on myself.
Strengths-I think that i am quite good at tackeling i need to improve on this to get better i could improve on this by doing a 1 on 1 tackeling drill i need to be good at tackeling because i play cb so need to tackel alot. Also i think im quite good at passing if i wanted to improve on this i would also do a 1 on 1 passing drill i need to improve on passing with my weaker foot because it is nowhere near as good as my right. I also think that im good at dribbeling i do not need to dribble much because of the positon i play.

Weaknesses- I think i need to improve on my heading because i think it needs to be better i could do this by somone throwing a ball up in the air and me heading it. If i was going to make a 6 week plan i would deffinatley include this. I aslo need to improve on my long passing because i feel there is room for improvement again i would include thos on a 6 week plan.

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